Presentation Guidelines
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PowerPoint template

The organizers recommend the use of this template when preparing your PowerPoint presentation.

Download PowerPoint template

Author's form

Authors must fill in this form and send it to the ICSA2013 Secretariat.

author’s form 

Oral Presentations

The presentations should take 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for audience questions. This schedule will be strictly enforced.

Each paper session will be attended by a chairman, responsible for monitoring the time and enlightening the author, through a signal, once there are 5 minutes left to the end of the presentation.

Personal Computer (MS Windows) with Power Point will be available at each Session room. No laptops will be allowed to connect to the LCD projector for making presentations

Authors are requested to provide their presentation files at the Conference Desk. Please make sure no Asian fonts are used or, if those fonts are necessary, all fonts are embedded in the Power Point file.

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Last Update: Saturday, 27.07.2024